Adding variant images to Shopify is a great way to show off your product’s different colors, styles, and sizes. Here’s how to do it:
There is a known bug with Shopify’s image resizing that can result in variant images being stretched or distorted when they are displayed on the product page. This can be especially noticeable if you have different sized images for each variant.
Before adding variant images to your store, we recommend testing how they look on a few different product pages to make sure they will display correctly. If you do encounter any issues, reach out to Shopify’s support team for help.
1. First, add your product to Shopify. To do this, go to Products > Add product.
2. Enter your product’s name, description, and price.
3. Under Variants, select Add variant.
4. Enter the variant’s name, option1 name, and option2 name. For example, if you’re selling a shirt in different colors and sizes, you might enter “Color” for the option1 name and “Size” for the option2 name.
5. Select an image for the variant by clicking Choose file.
6. Click Save product
Adding variant images to Shopify is a great way to show off your product’s different colors, styles, and sizes. Follow the steps above to add variant images to your products!