Website Building » BigCommerce » How do I add variations in BigCommerce?

How do I add variations in BigCommerce?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:36 am

Adding variations in BigCommerce can be a bit tricky, as the system is built to handle bulk orders rather than small variations. There are a few ways to approach this:

1. Use the Variations API.

This allows you to create and manage variations in a centralized location, rather than having to manage them individually on each product page. The Variations API requires a bit of setup, but it can be a helpful tool for larger stores.

2. Use Custom Fields. This is a simpler option, but may not be suitable for all stores.

You can add custom fields to products to allow for variations, and then use the built-in filters in BigCommerce to manage the data. This approach is easier, but may not be as robust as the Variations API.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to add variations in BigCommerce, be aware that there are some limitations. For example, you can only add a maximum of 100 variations per product. Also, keep in mind that adding too many variations can make your product page difficult to navigate and may confuse customers.

3. Use Custom Labels.

Another simpler option, this approach allows you to add labels to products to indicate which variation is being displayed. This approach is useful if you only need to manage a few variations, but may not be as flexible as the Variations API or Custom Fields.

Ultimately, the best approach for adding variations in BigCommerce depends on the specifics of your store and the variations you need to manage. Using one of the options listed above may be a helpful starting point.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.