Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Appear Online on UpWork?

How Do I Appear Online on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:38 pm

When you’re looking for work, you want to make sure that employers can find you easily online. You don’t want your resume and contact information to be buried on some forgotten website.

UpWork is a great platform to use to ensure that employers can find you. Here’s how to make sure you appear online on UpWork:

1. Create a strong profile

When employers search for freelancers on UpWork, they’re looking for specific skills and qualifications.

Make sure that your profile reflects your strengths and experience. Use keyword-rich descriptions of your skills, and include links to relevant samples of your work. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be for employers to find you.

2. Stay active

One of the best ways to appear online on UpWork is to be active on the site.

Employers are more likely to find and contact freelancers who are actively using the platform. So log in regularly, update your profile, bid on projects, and participate in forums and discussions. The more active you are, the more likely it is that employers will find you.

3. Use relevant keywords

When employers search for freelancers on UpWork, they use specific keywords.

Make sure that your profile and proposals include relevant keywords so that you can be easily found by employers searching for those terms. including relevant keywords will also help your profile appear higher in search results.

4. Keep your profile up to date

Make sure that your profile and portfolio are up to date so that employers can see your most recent work.

If you have new skills or experience, be sure to update your profile so that employers can see all that you have to offer. Regularly updating your profile helps ensure that employers can find the most relevant information about you.

5. Get verified

One way to make sure you appear online on UpWork is to get verified. When you’re verified, employers can see that you’re a real person with a real identity. This helps build trust and makes it more likely that employers will want to work with you.

To get verified, all you need is a valid ID and a working webcam or smartphone camera. Once you’re verified, a green checkmark will appear next to your name on your profile, letting everyone know that you’re the real deal.


By following these simple tips, you can make sure that employerswill be able to find you easily online when they search for freelancerson UpWork.

PRO TIP: If you are new to Upwork, or are considering using the platform to find work, you may be wondering how you can appear online and start bidding on projects.

It’s important to remember that, as a freelancer, you are competing against other freelancers from all over the world. In order to stand out, you need to have a strong profile and portfolio that showcase your skills and experience.

You also need to be strategic about when you log in and bid on projects. If you’re online at the same time as everyone else, you’re less likely to be noticed.

Finally, remember that winning projects is not just about being the low bidder. Clients also take into account your profile, reviews, and proposals when making their decision. So make sure you put your best foot forward!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.