Website Building » WordPress » How do I ask a question on WordPress org?

How do I ask a question on WordPress org?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:52 am

If you’re looking to ask a question on the forums, the quickest way is to post a new topic and then start a new thread.

You can also browse the existing topics, or use the search bar to find what you’re looking for.

When posting a new topic, make sure to include the following information:

– Your name (or alias)

– The subject of your question

– A brief explanation of your question

– The forum where your question should be posted

PRO TIP: If you are having trouble asking a question on, here are a few things to keep in mind:
-First, make sure you are logged in.
-Next, check to see if your question has already been asked by searching the support forums.
-If you can’t find an answer to your question, click the “Ask a Question” button at the top of the support forums page.
-On the next page, fill out the form with as much detail as possible. Include screenshots or links if applicable.
-Choose a good title for your question so others can easily find it.
-Finally, click the “Submit Question” button.

If you’re looking for help with a specific plugin or theme, you can also search the WordPress.

org forums for related topics.

Finally, if you haven’t already, be sure to register for a account and join the forums.

This will give you access to more resources and help you get more out of the community.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.