Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Avoid UpWork Service Fee?

How Do I Avoid UpWork Service Fee?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:40 pm

As a freelancer, one of the most important things you can do is avoid service fees. Service fees are what UpWork charges you for using their platform and can eat into your profits if you’re not careful. Here are some tips for avoiding service fees:

1. Use a different payment method

If you use a different payment method, such as PayPal, you can avoid paying the UpWork service fee. This is because UpWork only charges a service fee if you use their platform to process payments. By using a different payment method, you can bypass this fee altogether.

2. Work with clients directly

Another way to avoid paying the UpWork service fee is to work with clients directly. This means that you find clients outside of UpWork and work with them directly. This can be done through your personal website, social media, or other online platforms.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Upwork to find freelance work, be aware that there is a service fee charged by the site. This fee is typically 20% of the total amount you are paid for a project. For example, if you are paid $100 for a project, Upwork will keep $20 as a service fee. You can avoid this fee by finding clients and projects outside of Upwork.

3. Use a different freelancing platform

There are many other freelancing platforms out there that don’t charge service fees. By using one of these platforms, you can avoid paying the UpWork service fee altogether. Some of these platforms include Fiverr, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour.


By following these tips, you can avoid paying the UpWork service fee and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.