Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Backup My WooCommerce Site?

How Do I Backup My WooCommerce Site?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:04 pm

There are three main ways you can back up your WooCommerce site:

1. Using a Plugin

There are a number of plugins available that can help you back up your WooCommerce data. Some of these plugins are:


This is a popular plugin that helps you create backups of your site and restore them if needed. It is available as a free and premium version.

PRO TIP: Please note that backing up your WooCommerce site is an important part of maintaining your online store. We recommend that you backup your site regularly and keep a recent backup on hand in case you need to restore your site.


This plugin can help you create backups of your WordPress files and database.

It is available in a free and premium version.


This plugin helps you create backups of your WordPress site. It is available as a paid service from Automattic, the company behind

2. Backing Up Manually

You can also back up your WooCommerce data manually. This involves creating a copy of your WordPress database and files and storing them in a safe location. You will need to do this regularly to ensure that your backup is up to date.

To create a manual backup, you will need to:

  • Export your WordPress database using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.

  • Copy your WordPress files to a safe location.

  • Note: If you are not comfortable backing up your site manually, we recommend using a plugin or service.

    3. Using a Service

    There are a number of services that can help you back up your WooCommerce data. Some of these services are:

  • Jetpack Backup: This is a paid service from Automattic, the company behind WordPress.

  • BackupBuddy: This is a paid service from iThemes that helps you create backups of your WordPress site.

  • >>>How Do I Backup My WooCommerce Site?<<<

    There are three main ways to backup your WooCommerce Site: Using Plugins, Backing up Manually, or by using Services.

    We recommend using Plugins because they automate the process for you and some are even free.

      If you decide to go with Backing up Manually, remember to export your WordPress Database and copy your WordPress Files to a safe location.Note: If you are not comfortable backing up your site manually, we recommend using a plugin or service.

      Lastly, Services also provide an easy way to backup but some come with monthly fees.

      No matter which method you choose, just remember to do it regularly so that your backup data is always current.

    Morgan Bash

    Morgan Bash

    Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.