Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Bulk Discount on Shopify?

How Do I Bulk Discount on Shopify?

Last updated on January 7, 2023 @ 3:04 pm

Discounts are a great way to encourage customers to buy more, and bulk discounts are an easy way to offer those discounts. Here’s how to set up bulk discounts on Shopify:

1. Go to the Discounts page in your Shopify admin.

2. Click Create Discount.

3. In the Discount Code field, enter a code for the discount.

  • For example, you could use the code “BULK10” for a 10% discount on orders of $100 or more.

4. In the “Discount Amount” field, enter the amount that the discount will take off the order total.

  • “10”for a 10% discount
  • “0.99” for a $0.99 discount
  • “0.01”(or “1%”) for a 1% discount

5. In the “Minimum Order Amount”, enter the minimum order amount that the discount can be applied to.

  • (This is where you specify the minimum amount required to get the bulk discount.)
PRO TIP: Bulk discounting can be a great way to increase sales and move inventory, but it’s important to do it right. If not done correctly, bulk discounts can eat into your profits and even put your business at risk. Here are a few things to keep in mind when bulk discounting:

1. Make sure you have enough margin to cover the discount. Bulk discounts can quickly eat into your profits if you’re not careful. Make sure you have a good handle on your margins and what you need to make in order to stay profitable.

2. Be strategic about when and how you offer bulk discounts. Offering too many discounts can devalue your products and make it difficult to raise prices in the future. Instead, be strategic about when you offer discounts and what products you offer them on.

3. Communicate the details of the discount clearly. Customers should always know exactly how much they’re saving with a bulk discount and what the requirements are (e.g., minimum purchase amount, expiration date, etc.). Be clear and concise in your communications so there are no surprises or confusion.

4. Be prepared for an influx of orders. If you’re offering a significant discount, be prepared for an influx of orders. This may

6. Select which customer groups can use the discount from the “Customer Eligibility”.

  • drop-down menu.(This is where you specify whether the bulk discount is available to all customers, or just certain customer groups.)


In conclusion, it is relatively easy to set up bulk discounts on Shopify by following these simple steps: go to Discounts in your Shopify admin, click Create Discount, enter a code and amount for the discount in the Discount Code and Discount Amount fields respectively, select customer groups that can use the discount from Customer Eligibility, and then save your changes.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.