Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Change a PNG From Black to White in Photoshop?

How Do I Change a PNG From Black to White in Photoshop?

Last updated on February 12, 2023 @ 8:43 pm

There is one simple way that you can change a PNG from black to white in Photoshop. That is to use the Color Overlay tool. With the Color Overlay tool, you can apply a new color to your PNG which includes the color white!

Here’s how you can do this:

1. Open your PNG file in Photoshop.

2. Select the PNG image layer in the Layers window.

3. Right-click on the PNG image’s layer and select “Blending Options” from the menu.

4. In the Layer Styles window that will appear, select the “Color Overlay” tool from the left menu. Also, make sure to check the checkbox beside it. In the Color Overlay settings, select the color box option to open the Color Picker window.

5. In the Color Picker window, select the color “White” from the palette or simply type in “ffffff” in the color code section. Once done, click on the “Ok” button.

6. Once back to the Layer Styles window, confirm that the white color has been selected, then click on the “Ok” button to apply the changes.

7. And there you have it! You can now change PNG images from black to white in Photoshop!

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, changing the color of an image from black to white in Photoshop can result in a loss of quality.

No matter the number of steps, changing a PNG from black to white in Photoshop is easy and only takes a few minutes.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.