Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Change My Shop Page Pagination in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change My Shop Page Pagination in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:19 am

Pagination is a crucial part of any eCommerce website, as it allows customers to navigate through your product catalog easily. If you’re using WooCommerce to power your online store, you may have noticed that the default pagination settings may not be ideal for your needs. In this article, we’ll show you how to change the shop page pagination in WooCommerce.

The first thing you need to do is access your WordPress Dashboard and go to WooCommerce > Settings. From there, select the Products tab from the left-hand sidebar and then click on the Pagination sub-tab. You should now see the following settings:

  • Products per Page: This setting allows you to control how many products are displayed on each page of your shop. The default value is 12, but you can change it to anything you like.
  • Default Category Display: This setting determines whether products are displayed in a grid or list layout on category pages. You can choose between Grid, List, or Default. If you select Default, the layout will be determined by the theme you’re using.
  • Pagination Type: This setting allows you to choose between two different pagination styles.

    You can choose between Standard, which displays numbered links to each page, or Infinite Scroll, which loads more products as you scroll down the page.

  • Infinite Scroll Behavior:: If you’ve selected Infinite Scroll as your pagination type, this setting allows you to choose how new products are loaded. You can choose between “Load More” button (which adds a button that customers can click to load more products) or “Auto-load” (which automatically loads more products as the customer scrolls down).



In order to change your shop page pagination in WooCommerce, you’ll need to access your WordPress Dashboard and go to WooCommerce > Settings. From there, select the Products tab from the left-hand sidebar and then click on the Pagination sub-tab. You should now see the following settings:

Products per Page: This setting allows you to control how many products are displayed on each page of your shop. Default Category Display: This setting determines whether products are displayed in a grid or list layout on category pages. You can choose between Grid, List, or Default.

If you select Default, the layout will be determined by the theme you’re using. Pagination Type: This setting allows you to choose between two different pagination styles. You can choose between Standard, which displays numbered links to each page, or Infinite Scroll, which loads more products as you scroll down the page. Infinite Scroll Behavior: If you’ve selected Infinite Scroll as your pagination type, this setting allows you to choose how new products are loaded. You can choose between “Load More” button (which adds a button that customers can click to load more products) or “Auto-load” (which automatically loads more products as the customer scrolls down).

You can experiment with different settings until you find something that works best for your store. Keep in mind that these settings will only affect the shop page – if you want to change the pagination on other pages (such as product category pages), you’ll need to edit those pages separately.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.