Website Building » Wix » How Do I Change Scrolling in Wix?

How Do I Change Scrolling in Wix?

Last updated on January 3, 2023 @ 2:24 am

If you want to change the scrolling on your Wix site, there are a few different ways you can do it. You can either use the Wix editor to change the scrolling settings for your site, or you can use HTML to change the way your site scrolls.

To change the scrolling settings for your Wix site, go to the ‘Settings’ tab in the Wix editor. Then, click on the ‘Scrolling’ option.


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From here, you can choose whether you want your site to scroll vertically or horizontally. You can also choose how fast you want your site to scroll. Once you’ve made your changes, click ‘Save’ and then ‘Publish’ to make your changes live.

If you want to change the way your site scrolls using HTML, there are a few different tags you can use. The <b> tag will make your text bold. The <u> tag will underline your text.

And the <p> tag will add a paragraph break. To make your text scroll horizontally, simply add the ‘scroll’ attribute to the <p> tag. For example:

<p scroll="horizontal">This is my horizontal scrolling text! </p>
PRO TIP: If you are not careful, changing the scrolling in Wix can adversely affect the functionality of your website. It is best to only make changes to the scrolling if you are confident in your ability to do so.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.