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How Do I Change the Auto Selection in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:25 pm

In Photoshop, the auto selection feature is a great way to select an object in your image without having to manually trace it out with the selection tools. However, sometimes you may want to change the way the auto selection works, or even turn it off altogether. Here’s how:

To change the auto selection settings, go to Edit >Preferences > General. In the Auto Select drop-down menu, you can choose from a number of different options, including Layer, Group, Object, and Path. Each option will change the way the auto selection works.

Layer: When you have multiple layers in your image, this option will automatically select the top layer whenever you click on an object. This can be handy if you want to quickly select an object that’s on a different layer than the one you’re currently working on.

Group: If you have multiple groups in your image, this option will automatically select the entire group whenever you click on an object. This can be useful if you want to quickly select all the objects in a group.

PRO TIP: When changing the auto selection in Photoshop, be sure to save your work frequently. Auto selection can be a very time consuming process and if you do not save your work, you may lose progress.

Object: This option will automatically select the entire object whenever you click on it. This can be handy if you want to quickly select an object that’s composed of multiple parts.

Path: If you have multiple paths in your image, this option will automatically select the entire path whenever you click on it. This can be useful if you want to quickly select a complex path.

To turn off auto selection altogether, simply uncheck the Enable Auto Select checkbox.

Now that you know how to change the auto selection settings in Photoshop, give it a try and see which setting works best for your workflow.

Conclusion: How Do I Change the Auto Selection in Photoshop? To change the auto selection settings, go to Edit > Preferences > General.

In the Auto Select drop-down menu, you can choose from a number of different options, including Layer, Group, Object, and Path.

To turn off auto selection altogether, simply uncheck the Enable Auto Select checkbox.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.