Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Change the Background Color of a Section in Squarespace?

How Do I Change the Background Color of a Section in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 11, 2022 @ 1:55 am

There are many ways to change the background color of a section in Squarespace. One way is to use the Style editor.

To do this, go to Settings > Style. Then, scroll down to the Background section. Here, you can change the background color by clicking on the color swatch next to the Background Color option.

Another way to change the background color of a section is to use CSS. To do this, go to Settings > Advanced.

Then, click on the + Add Custom CSS button. In the CSS Editor, you can add the following code:

.section-name {
background-color: #hexcode;

Replace “section-name” with the class name of the section you want to change, and replace “#hexcode” with the hex code of the color you want to use.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with coding, we do not recommend trying to change the background color of a section in Squarespace. Doing so could result in unexpected and undesirable changes to your website.

You can also use an image as a background for a section. To do this, go to Settings > Content. Then, click on the page or post where you want to add an image background.

In the Page Settings or Post Settings, scroll down to the Content Background Image. Here, you can upload an image or select one from your library. Once you’ve selected an image, you can choose how it displays using the options under the heading “(Image Display Option)

The last way to change the background color of a section is to use HTML. This method is for advanced users who are comfortable editing code.

To do this, go to (Advanced). In the code editor, find the section you want to modify and add the following code:
< p style="background-color: #ffff00;" >(HTML Code for Background Color)< /p >Replace “#ffff00” with the hex code of the color you want to use.


There are many ways that you can change the background color of a section in Squarespace. You can use the Style editor, CSS, HTML, or even an image. Choose whichever method you feel most comfortable with and experiment until you find a look that you like!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.