Web Design » Figma » How Do I Change the Rotation Point in Figma?

How Do I Change the Rotation Point in Figma?

Last updated on April 20, 2023 @ 8:20 am

In Figma, the rotation point is the anchor point around which an object rotates. By default, the rotation point is centered in the middle of an object.

However, you can change the rotation point to any location on the object. This can be useful for creating certain types of animations.

To change the rotation point in Figma:

1. Create a shape object that will serve as the pivot point or rotation point of the object.

2. With the shape selected, go to the top menu and click on the “Create component” button.

3. Go to the Layers section and drag the object that you want to rotate inside the component.

NOTE: You can change the name of the shape you added to “Rotation Point” or “Pivot Point” to be easily distinguishable.

4. Click and drag the object and place its side to the desired location of the rotation point.

5. Rotate the object using the rotation point.


The article explains how to change the default anchor or rotation point in Figma to any other custom location on an object. This could be useful for making certain types of animations where you want an object to rotate around a specific point.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful when changing the rotation point in Figma, you may end up with your object rotated in an unintended way. Make sure to check your object’s rotation after changing the rotation point to make sure it is rotated the way you want it to be.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.