Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Change the Ruler Units in Photoshop?

How Do I Change the Ruler Units in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 4:13 pm

There are times when you may need to change the ruler units in Photoshop, for example, when working with images that are a different size than what you are used to. Photoshop offers a few different ways to change the ruler units, which we will cover in this article.

The first way to change the ruler units in Photoshop is to go to Edit > Preferences > Units & Rulers. Here you will see a drop-down menu where you can select the units you want to use. The options are pixels, inches, centimeters, millimeters, points, picas, and percentage.

Simply select the unit of measurement you want to use and click OK.

Another way to change the ruler units is by right-clicking on the rulers themselves. This will open a pop-up menu where you can select the unit of measurement you want to use. As with the previous method, simply select the unit of measurement you want and click OK.

Keep in mind that changing the ruler units will not change the actual size of your image, it will just change how those measurements are displayed.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful when changing the ruler units in Photoshop, you may end up with images that are the wrong size. Make sure to check the width and height of your image before exporting it.


There are two ways to change the ruler units in Photoshop. The first is to go to Edit > Preferences > Units & Rulers and select from the drop-down menu.

The second is by right-clicking on the rulers themselves and selecting from the pop-up menu. Keep in mind that changing the ruler units will not change the actual size of your image.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.