Website Building » BigCommerce » How do I check my BigCommerce theme?

How do I check my BigCommerce theme?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:07 am

Theme checking is a fairly simple process. First, head over to the “Appearance” tab in your BigCommerce account.

Here, you’ll be able to view a detailed list of all the theme files that are included with your account.

PRO TIP: When checking your BigCommerce theme, be sure to always preview changes before publishing them. This way, you can ensure that your changes will not adversely affect your live site.

Once you’ve located the file that you’re looking for, simply open it in a text editor (like Notepad) and take a look at the code. If you see any errors, please notify support immediately.

Finally, be sure to save your changes and upload the updated theme file. Once it’s been uploaded, your theme will be updated and you’ll be able to continue using it without any further issues.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.