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How Do I Check My Fiverr Results?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:10 pm

As a Fiverr seller, you’re always looking for ways to improve your gig. You want to make sure that you’re providing the best possible service to your buyers, and one way to do that is to check your Fiverr results. Here’s how:

First, log into your Fiverr account and click on the “My Selling” tab. This will take you to your gig page, where you can see all of your gigs.

At the top of the page, you’ll see a tab called “Results.” Click on that tab.

On the results page, you can see how many orders you’ve completed, how many ratings you have, what your average rating is, and how much money you’ve made. You can also see a list of all of the buyers who have rated you. If you click on a buyer’s name, you can see their feedback for that particular order.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for information on how to check your Fiverr results, beware of scammers. There are many fake websites and videos that claim to have the answer, but will instead try to steal your personal information. Only trust official sources for this information.

The results page is a great way to get an overview of how you’re doing on Fiverr. It’s also a useful tool for finding out where you need to improve.

If you see that your average rating is low, or that you have a lot of negative feedback, take some time to read through the feedback and see what buyers are saying. Use this information to make changes to your gig so that you can improve your rating and get more positive feedback.

Checking your Fiverr results is a great way to track your progress and make sure that you’re providing the best possible service to your buyers. Take some time to check your results regularly so that you can make changes to your gig as needed.

How Do I Check My Fiverr Results?

To check your Fiverr results, log into your account and click on the ‘My Selling’ tab. This will take you to your gig page where you can see all of your gigs.

At the top of this page, there will be a tab called ‘Results’. Clicking on this tab will allow users to view information such as the number of orders completed, ratings received, average rating as well as how much money has been made from selling gigs on Fiverr.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.