Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Check My UpWork Rate?

How Do I Check My UpWork Rate?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:45 pm

As a freelancer, one of the most important things you can do is keep track of your hourly rate. This will help you to budget your time and make sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth. Here are some tips on how to check your UpWork rate.

1. Look at your job history

The first place to look when you’re trying to figure out your UpWork hourly rate is your job history. This will show you what you’ve been paid in the past, and will give you a good starting point for negotiating future rates.

2. Check the client’s budget

When you’re looking at a new job listing, one of the first things you should do is check the client’s budget. If they’re only willing to pay $5/hour, then there’s no point in trying to negotiate a higher rate.

3. Consider your experience and skills

Your hourly rate should also reflect your experience and skills. If you’re just starting out, you may not be able to charge as much as someone who has been freelancing for years. But if you have niche skills or experience that is in demand, then you can command a higher rate.

4. Compare rates with other freelancers

One of the best ways to determine a fair hourly rate is to compare rates with other freelancers who have similar skills and experience. You can use sites like UpWork to find out what others are charging for their services.


Checking your UpWork hourly rate is an important part of being a successful freelancer. By keeping track of your rate and comparing it with other freelancers, you can make sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth.

PRO TIP: This article may contain outdated information. Upwork rates may have changed since it was published. Please check the most recent pricing guide on Upwork’s website for accurate pricing information.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.