Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Clean Up My WooCommerce Database?

How Do I Clean Up My WooCommerce Database?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:03 pm

It’s no secret that WooCommerce stores a lot of data. Over time, this data can start to add up, and if it’s not managed correctly, it can bloat your database and slow down your site. While there are a few different ways to clean up your WooCommerce database, in this article, we’ll focus on two:

1. Use the WooCommerce Database Manager

The first way to clean up your WooCommerce database is by using the WooCommerce Database Manager. This plugin will help you take care of all the little details that can start to add up over time, such as:

  • Orphaned data
  • Duplicated data
  • Data from old versions of WooCommerce
  • Unused data

2. Manually Clean Up Your Database

If you’re not using the WooCommerce Database Manager, or if you want to get a little more hands-on with your database cleanup, you can do it manually. There are a few different ways to go about this:

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, cleaning up your WooCommerce database can break your site. Make sure you have a backup before you start.
  • Delete Orphaned Data:
  • Orphaned data is data that’s no longer needed or used by WooCommerce. This can happen when you delete products, orders, coupons, etc.

    from your store. To find and delete orphaned data, you can use a plugin like WooCommerce Database Cleaner. This plugin will scan your database for orphaned data and give you the option to delete it.

  • Delete Duplicated Data:
  • Duplicated data is another type of unnecessary data that can bloat your database. It can happen when you have products with multiple SKUs, or if you’ve imported products multiple times.

    To find and delete duplicated data, you can use a plugin like Data Cleaner for WooCommerce. This plugin will scan your database for duplicated data and give you the option to delete it.

  • Optimize Your Database Tables:
  • Over time, your database tables can become fragmented and inefficient. To keep your tables running smoothly, you should optimize them regularly.

    You can do this with a plugin like WP Optimize. This plugin will optimize all of your WordPress database tables, including those used by WooCommerce.

  • Remove Unused Data From Your Database:
  • If you’ve ever installed and activated a plugin or theme on your site, chances are there’s some unused data in your database from that plugin or theme. To remove this unused data, you can use a plugin like Remove Unused Shortcodes & Data From Your Database (RMMUCD). This plugin will scan your database for unused shortcodes anddata and give you the option to delete it.

  • >Back Up Your Database Before Making Any Changes:

    Whenever you make any changes to your WordPress database – whether it’s deleting orphaned data, optimizing tables, or anything else – it’s always a good idea to back up your database first. Here’s how to back up your WordPress database.

    How Do I Clean Up My WooCommerce Database?


    In order to keep your WooCommerce store running smoothly, it’s important to regularly clean up your database.

    There are two main ways to do this: by using the WooCommerce Database Manager plugin or by doing it manually.

    The Database Manager Plugin is great for taking care of all the little details that can start to add up over time.

    If you want more control over what gets deleted from your database or if you’re not using the Plugin, then doing it manually is definitely the way to go.

    When doing manual cleanups, be sure sure backup your WordPress database before making any changes!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.