Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Convert a JPEG to a Pattern in Photoshop?

How Do I Convert a JPEG to a Pattern in Photoshop?

Last updated on February 8, 2023 @ 11:30 pm

There are a few ways to convert a JPEG to a pattern in Photoshop. One way is to go to Edit > Define Pattern. This will bring up the Define Pattern dialogue box. Go to the location of the JPEG file that you want to use and select it.

Go to Photoshop edit menu and click the define pattern option

Click Open. You will be asked to name the pattern. Enter a name and click OK. The pattern will now be available for use in the Patterns panel.

Enter a name for your new Photoshop pattern

Another way to create a pattern from a JPEG is to open the image file. Select the area that you want to use as the pattern and copy it (Ctrl+C or Cmd+C on a Mac).

Select the image area where you want to use as pattern in Photoshop

Next, go to the Patterns panel (Window > Patterns) and click on the Create new pattern button at the bottom of the panel. This will open the New Pattern dialogue box.

Go to Photoshop window menu and click the patterns option

Paste (Ctrl+V) or (Cmd+V) the copied selection into the dialogue box. Enter a name for the new pattern and click OK. The new pattern will now be available for use in Photoshop.

Click Photoshop create new pattern icon and name your new pattern then click OK

PRO TIP: This article offers a potential solution for converting a JPEG to a pattern in Photoshop but warns that it may not work for all users. Additionally, the author notes that this solution is only meant for advanced Photoshop users.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.