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How Do I Convert Figma to XD?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:03 am

As a designer, you may find yourself working in multiple design programs. If you’re using Figma but need to convert your design to Adobe XD, don’t worry, it’s easy to do. Here’s how:

First, open your Figma file and select the layers that you want to export. Then, click File > Export and choose SVG from the drop-down menu. Save the file to your computer.

Next, open Adobe XD and create a new file. Then, click File > Import and select the SVG file that you exported from Figma. The file will automatically be placed on the artboard.

Now that your design is in Adobe XD, you can start adding interactivity and animation. To do this, select the layer that you want to animate and click Add Interactivity in the right-hand panel. Choose an animation from the list and tweak the settings to get the perfect effect.


How Do I Convert Figma to XD?

It’s easy to convert a Figma design into Adobe XD – simply export the design as an SVG file and import it into XD. Then, you can add interactivity and animation to bring your design to life.

PRO TIP: Before you attempt to convert your Figma file to XD, be aware that there may be some loss of data or fidelity in the process. Additionally, not all features from Figma are available in XD, so some elements of your design may need to be recreated manually.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.