Creating a black vignette in Photoshop is a relatively easy process. To start, open up Photoshop and create a new document. Once the document is open, select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and click and drag a rectangle around the area you want to isolate for the vignette. Next, select the Black & White Adjustment Layer (L) and click the black triangle in the slider bar to the right.
This will allow you to adjust the amount of black in the image. Once you have the desired amount of black, click the OK button. Next, select the Gradient Tool (G) and click and drag a gradient from the top-left corner of the rectangle to the bottom-right corner. Finally, select the Save Selection as Layer (Ctrl+Shift+S) button and name the layer “Vignette.”.
PRO TIP: When creating a black vignette in Photoshop, be careful not to make the vignette too dark or too wide. A black vignette should only be used to add a subtle effect to an image, not to make a drastic change.
Now, you can close the document and open up a new document. In the new document, select the Brush Tool (B) and click and drag a brush on the Canvas. Then, select the Vignette Layer and paint over the area you want to darken.
Once you are done, you can close the new document and open the original document. The vignette should now be darker than before.
Now, you can finally close Photoshop and enjoy your darker document!.
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