Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Create a Circle Logo in Photoshop?

How Do I Create a Circle Logo in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:02 pm

There are a few steps you need to take in order to create a circle logo in Photoshop. First, open up Photoshop and create a new document.

You’ll want to make sure that the document is large enough to accommodate your logo. Once your document is created, go to the “Shape” tool and select the “Ellipse” option.

Next, click and drag your mouse to create a perfect circle. If you want, you can hold down the “Shift” key while you’re clicking and dragging to keep your circle perfectly round. Once you have your circle created, go to the “Layer” menu and select the “Duplicate Layer” option.

Now, go to the “Edit” menu and select the “Transform” option. From there, select the “Distort” option.

This will allow you to change the shape of your circle slightly. Play around with the options until you have a shape that you like.

Once you’re happy with your shape, go to the “Layer” menu again and select the “Merge Down” option. This will merge your two layers into one.

PRO TIP: When creating a circle logo in Photoshop, it is important to first create a solid background layer. Next, create a new layer and use the Ellipse Tool (U) to draw a perfect circle. Once you have your circle, go to Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay. In the Gradient Overlay window, choose a color for your gradient and then drag the gradient slider to the left or right to create your desired effect. Finally, flatten your image and save it as a .png or .jpg file.

Now that you have your basic shape created, it’s time to add some color. Go to the “Layer” menu and select the “New Fill Layer” option. From there, select the “Solid Color” option.

Choose the color you want for your logo and click “OK.” You should now have a solid color fill layer added to your document.

Next, go to the “Edit” menu and select the “Transform” option again. This time, select the ” Warp” option.

This will allow you to change the shape of your color fill layer slightly. Again, play around with the options until you have a shape that you like.

Once you’re happy with your shape, go back to the “Layer” menu and select the “Merge Down” option again. This will merge your color fill layer with your original shape layer.

And that’s it! You should now have a beautiful circle logo that’s ready to be used on all of your projects.

Creating a circle logo in Photoshop is easy once you know how! By following these simple steps, anyone can create a beautiful logo that will stand out from the rest.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.