Website Building » Wix » How Do I Create a Color Palette in Wix?

How Do I Create a Color Palette in Wix?

Last updated on January 1, 2023 @ 1:10 pm

When it comes to design, one of the most important aspects is color. The right colors can convey emotion and create a certain mood. They can also make your website more visually appealing and help it to stand out from the rest.

Creating a color palette for your website is not as difficult as you may think. With Wix, you can easily create a color palette that reflects your brand and style. Here are some tips on how to create a color palette in Wix:


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1. Choose a Main Color

The first step is to choose a main color.

This color will be used for the majority of your website’s design. It’s important to choose a color that reflects your brand and style. If you’re not sure which color to choose, take a look at other websites in your industry for inspiration.

2. Add Accent Colors

Once you’ve chosen a main color, it’s time to add some accent colors.

These colors will be used sparingly throughout your design to add visual interest. Again, it’s important to choose colors that reflect your brand and style. Try to stay within the same color family as your main color.

3. Create a Color Scheme

Now that you have chosen a main color and some accent colors, it’s time to create a color scheme.

A color scheme is simply a combination of colors that work well together. There are many different ways to create a color scheme. You can use complementary colors, analogous colors, or triadic colors.

  • Complementary Colors:

Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. They are said to be “complementary” because they help each other to stand out. When using complementary colors in your design, it’s important to use them sparingly so they don’t overwhelm the design.

  • Analogous Colors:

Analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel. They are said to be “analogous” because they are similar in hue.

Analogous colors usually go well together because they have similar tones.

  • Triadic Colors:

Triadic colors are evenly spaced around the color wheel. They are said to be “triadic” because there are three of them. Triadic colors usually go well together because they have similar tones.

4. Pick Your Palette

Now that you know how to create a color scheme, it’s time to pick your palette.

Wix offers a variety of pre-made palettes that you can use for your website design. Simply click on the “+Add” button and select “Color Palette” from the drop-down menu.

You can also create your own custom palette by clicking on the “+Add Custom Color Palette” button.

PRO TIP: While Wix does offer a color palette tool, it is important to note that this tool is not always accurate. The colors that are generated may not be the same as the colors that appear on your website. This can create a discrepancy between the colors that you see on your screen and the actual colors of your website.

Once you’ve selected or created your palette, you can start using it in your design.

5. Tips for Using Color in Your Design

  • Use light colors for large areas of text:

Light colors such as white or light gray are easy on the eyes and make large areas of text easier to read.

  • Use dark colors for small areas of text:

Dark colors such as black or dark gray work well for small areas of text such as headings or menus.

  • Use bright colors sparingly:

Bright colors such as red or orange can be overwhelming when used in large quantities.

  • Use muted colors for backgrounds:

Muted colors such as light blue or pale pink make good backgrounds because they add visual interest without being too distracting.

  • Use contrasting colors for callouts:

Contrasting colors such as blue and orange will help callouts such as buttons or links stand out from the rest of your design.

Creating a color palette for your website doesn’t have to be difficult. With Wix, you can easily create a custom palette that reflects your brand and style.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.