Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Create a Coupon Code on Fiverr?

How Do I Create a Coupon Code on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:44 pm

Do you want to offer a discount on your Fiverr gig? Creating a coupon code is a great way to do this! Here’s how:

1. Log in to your Fiverr account and go to your Dashboard. 2. Click on the “Selling” tab and then select “Coupons” from the drop-down menu. 3.

On the Coupons page, click on the “Create New Coupon” button. 4. Enter a description for your coupon code and then choose a discount amount and expiration date. 5. When you’re finished, click on the “Save” button.

PRO TIP: When creating a coupon code on Fiverr, be sure to use a unique code that is not easily guessed. Avoid using easily guessed codes such as your birthday or your child’s name. Also, make sure to set an expiration date for your code so that it cannot be used indefinitely.

Now that you’ve created your coupon code, you can share it with potential buyers! Just make sure to include the code when they purchase your gig so they can get their discount.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.