Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Create a Development Environment for Shopify?

How Do I Create a Development Environment for Shopify?

Last updated on January 12, 2023 @ 1:33 pm

When it comes to setting up a development environment for Shopify, there are a few things that you need to take into account. First and foremost, you need to have a good text editor.

This is where you will be doing most of your work, so it is important to choose one that suits your needs and preferences. There are many different text editors available, so take some time to explore your options before making a decision.

Once you have chosen a text editor, the next step is to download and install the Shopify CLI. This is a command line interface that will allow you to interact with Shopify from your terminal. To do this, simply head over to the Shopify developer website and follow the instructions there.

Once the Shopify CLI is up and running, you can then proceed to create a new development shop. This can be done by running the following command:

Shopify create

You will then be prompted to enter some basic information about your new shop, such as the name and URL. Once you have done this, your new shop will be created and you can then proceed to install the theme of your choice.

Installing a theme is simple enough; just head over to the Shopify Theme Store and find a theme that you like. Once you have found one, simply click on the “Install” button and follow the prompts.

And that’s it! You now have a basic development environment set up for Shopify.

Of course, there are many more things that you can do with this setup, but this should give you enough to get started. So go forth and build something great!

Creating a Development Environment for Shopify

Shopify is a powerful ecommerce platform that enables businesses of all sizes to create an online store. If you’re looking to develop custom themes or apps for Shopify, then you’ll need to set up a development environment first. In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that.

1. Choose a Text Editor

The first thing you need to do when setting up your development environment is choose a good text editor. This is where you’ll be spending most of your time working on code, so it’s important to choose an editor that suits your needs and preferences.

There are many different text editors available, both free and paid. Some popular choices include Atom, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to create a development environment for Shopify, be aware that there are some potential risks involved.

First of all, when you create a development environment, you are essentially creating a copy of your live Shopify store. This means that any changes or customization you make in your development environment could potentially break your live store.

Secondly, if you are not careful, it is possible to accidentally expose sensitive data (such as customer information or passwords) when creating a development environment. Make sure that you take proper precautions to protect any sensitive data before proceeding.

Finally, keep in mind that Shopify’s terms of service prohibit making changes to your store that could negatively impact the performance or security of other stores on the platform. Be sure to read and understand the terms of service before making any changes to your development environment.

2. Install the Shopify CLI

The next step is to download and install the Shopify CLI (Command Line Interface). This tool will allow you to interact with Shopify from your terminal, which can be very useful when developing themes or apps.

To install the Shopify CLI, simply head over to the Shopify developer website. Once there, follow the instructions on how to install the CLI for your operating system.

3. Create a New Development Shop

Once the Shopify CLI is up and running, you can create a new development shop by running the following command:

<code class="language-none">Shopify create</code>

You will then be prompted to enter some basic information about your new shop, such as its name and URL.

Important Note: Do not use your live shop’s URL here! Doing so will overwrite your live shop with whatever changes you make in your development environment.

After following these steps, your new development shop will be created.

Now open https://myappurlhere in your browser and log in using these credentials: 
Email: my@emaildomainhere 
Password: 1234 
When prompted, enter "1234" as your two factor authentication code.

Note:If two factor authentication is not enabled on your account, this step will be skipped. 

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.