Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Create a Different Checkout Page in WooCommerce?

How Do I Create a Different Checkout Page in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:22 am

There are two main ways to create a different checkout page in WooCommerce. The first is to use a plugin, and the second is to edit the code yourself.

If you’re not a developer, then using a plugin is the best way to go. There are many plugins available that will allow you to customize your checkout page, and they vary in price and features.

Some of the most popular plugins are:

These are just a few of the plugins available, and there are many others to choose from. If you’re not sure which one is right for you, then doing some research and reading reviews is a good place to start.

Once you’ve selected a plugin, installing it is easy. Most plugins can be installed directly from your WordPress dashboard.

Simply go to Plugins > Add New, and then search for the plugin by name or author. Once you’ve found it, click Install Now. Some plugins may require you to purchase a license key, but this is usually only for premium plugins.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll need to configure it to suit your needs. This will vary from plugin to plugin, so be sure to read the documentation or watch any tutorial videos that are available.

If you’re comfortable with code, then editing the code yourself is another option for creating a different checkout page in WooCommerce. This method does require some knowledge of PHP and WordPress development.

How Do I Create a Different Checkout Page in WooCommerce?
There are two main ways to create a different checkout page in WooCommerce.
If you’re not a developer, then using a plugin is the best way to go.

There are many plugins available that will allow you to customize your checkout page, and they vary in price and features.

Some of the most popular plugins are:
WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor
WooCommerce Checkout Manager
WooCommerce Quick Checkout
These are just a few of the plugins available, and there are many others to choose from.

Once you’ve selected a plugin, installing it is easy.
Simply go to Plugins > Add New, and then search for the plugin by name or author.
Once you’ve found it, click Install Now.
Some plugins may require you to purchase a license key, but this is usually only for premium plugins.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll need to configure it to suit your needs.
This will vary from plugin to plugin, so be sure to read the documentation or watch any tutorial videos that are available.

If you’re comfortable with code, then editing the code yourself is another option for creating a different checkout page in WooCommerce.
This method does require some knowledge of PHP and WordPress development.


Both methods have their pros and cons depending on what route best suits your needs as discussed above.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.