Web Design » Canva » How Do I Create a Header in Canva?

How Do I Create a Header in Canva?

Last updated on December 3, 2022 @ 5:29 pm

HTML is the markup language of the web. If you’re a web developer, you’ll need to know how to use HTML to style text for your web pages.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use three of the most common HTML tags to style text: the < p > tag, the < b > tag, and the < u > tag.

The < p > tag is used to create paragraphs of text. To create a paragraph, simply wrap your text in the opening < p > and closing < /p > tags. For example:

This is a paragraph of text.

This is another paragraph of text.

The < b > tag is used to bold text. To bold text, simply wrap your text in the opening < b > and closing < /b > tags. For example:

This text is bold and underlined.

The < u > tag is used to underline text. To underline text, simply wrap your text in the opening < u > and closing < /u > tags. For example:

This text is underlined and bold.

How Do I Create a Header in Canva? You can create a header in Canva by selecting the “Text” tool and then clicking on the “Add heading” button.

Enter your header text and then select a font style and size. You can also add an image to your header by clicking on the “Uploads” tab and selecting an image from your computer.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, you could create a very large header that takes up too much space on your Canva document. Be sure to resize your header image accordingly so that it looks balanced with the rest of your content.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.