Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Create a Hidden Product on Shopify?

How Do I Create a Hidden Product on Shopify?

Last updated on January 11, 2023 @ 10:40 am

If you’re selling a physical product, and you don’t want it to appear in your shop’s public facing page, you can create a hidden product. This is useful if you want to sell a product to a specific group of customers, or if the product isn’t ready to be publicly launched yet.

To create a hidden product:

1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.
2. Click Add product.
3. Enter the Title and Description for your product.
4. In the Visibility section, choose Private from the drop-down menu next to Status.
Private products are not visible in your shop until they’re linked to from another page on your shop, such as from a collection or blog post.
5. To add images to your product, click Add image in the Images section. You can also add images later by going to the product details page and clicking Edit images under the image gallery.
6. When you’re finished adding images, click Save.

Creating hidden products can be useful if you want to sell a product to a specific group of customers, or if the product isn’t ready to be publicly launched yet. To create a hidden product:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click Add product.

  3. Enter the Title and Description for your product.

  4. In the Visibility section, choose Private from the drop-down menu next to Status.

    PRO TIP: If you are considering creating a hidden product on Shopify, be aware that this may result in decreased traffic and conversions on your store. Additionally, your search engine ranking may suffer if you have too many hidden products.

Private products are not visible in your shop until they’re linked to from another page on your shop, such as from a collection or blog post.

To add images to your product:

  • Click Add image in the Images section.

  • You can also add images later by going to the product details page and clicking Edit images under the image gallery.
  • When you’re finished adding images, click Save.


Creating hidden products on Shopify can be useful if you want to sell a product to a specific group of customers, without it being visible on your public facing page. You can do this by setting the Visibility of the product as ‘Private’ when creating it. Then, add images and save it accordingly.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.