Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Create a Kit in Shopify?

How Do I Create a Kit in Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:21 pm

Starting a business is a huge undertaking, and there are a lot of moving parts. One of the most important things you’ll need to do is set up your online store. And if you’re using Shopify to power your ecommerce site, one thing you might be wondering is how to create a kit in Shopify.

A kit is basically a group of products that are sold together. For example, if you sell makeup, you might want to create a kit that includes a foundation, blush, and eyeshadow. Or if you sell skincare products, you might want to create a kit that includes a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.

Creating a kit in Shopify is actually pretty easy. Just follow these steps:

PRO TIP: If you are planning to create a kit in Shopify, be aware that there are some potential risks involved.

For example, if you choose to create a kit that contains products from multiple suppliers, you may find it difficult to keep track of inventory levels and ensure that all products are available when customers place orders.

Additionally, kits can be complex to set up and manage, so it is important to have a clear understanding of how they work before getting started.

1. Log in to your Shopify account and go to the Products page. 2. Click on the “Add product” button. 3. Enter a title for your product and select “Kit” as the product type.

4. Add a description for your kit and then click on the “Add Kit Products” button. 5. Select the products that you want to include in your kit and then click on the “Add products” button. 6. Save your changes and then view your product page to make sure everything looks good.

That’s all there is to it! Creating a kit in Shopify is easy and can be a great way to sell multiple products as a package deal.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.