Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Create a Product List in WooCommerce?

How Do I Create a Product List in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 18, 2023 @ 6:46 pm

Assuming you have a WooCommerce store set up and running, and products ready to be added to your shop, here’s a quick guide on how to create a product list in WooCommerce.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with WooCommerce, we recommend that you seek help from a qualified developer before attempting to create a product list. Otherwise, you may inadvertently create problems with your WooCommerce installation.
  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to “WooCommerce” > “Products”. This will take you to the main “Products page”, which is where all of your products are listed.
  2. To add a new product, click on the “Add Product” button at the top of the page. This will open up the “Add Product” page, where you can enter all of the details for your new product.
  3. Start by entering a “Product Title”. This is the name of your product, and it will be displayed on your website. Next, add a “short description” of the product. This is optional, but it can be helpful to give potential customers an overview of what the product is before they click through to read the full description.
  4. Now it’s time to add some images. Click on the “Upload/Add Images” button and select the images you want to use from your computer. You can also drag and drop images into this field. Once you’ve selected all of the images you want to use, click on the “Insert into post” button.
  5. (Optional) Add a video: If you have a video for this product, you can add it by clicking on the “Add Video” button and entering either the URL of the video (if it’s hosted on YouTube or Vimeo) or embed code (if it’s hosted elsewhere).
  6. (Optional) Add a downloadable file: If you have a downloadable file for this product (for example, an eBook or PDF), you can add it by clicking on the “Add File”. button and selecting the file from your computer. Once you’ve selected the file, click on the “Insert into post” button.
  7. Now scroll down to the “Product Data” section.. Here you can enter all of the information about your product, such as price, SKU (stock keeping unit), shipping weight, etc.
  8. Underneath the “Product Data” section is the “Inventory” section. Here you can manage your stock levels and enable backorders if necessary.
  9. The next section is “Shipping”. Here you can set up shipping options for your product.
  10. The “Linked Products” section allows you to cross-sell or upsell other products in your store.
  11. The final section is “Attributes”. Here you can add any additional information about your product that doesn’t fit into any of the other sections.
  12. Once you’re finished adding all of the details about your product, scroll down to bottom of the page and click on the “Publish” button.

That’s it! Your new product will now be listed on your website.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.