Website Building » WordPress » How do I create a scrolling gallery in WordPress?

How do I create a scrolling gallery in WordPress?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:25 am

Creating a scrolling gallery in WordPress is a relatively simple process. First, create a new post or page in your blog using the WordPress dashboard.

Next, click on the “Appearance” tab in the main toolbar and select the “Theme Options” button.

Scroll down the Theme Options page and locate the “Gallery” option. On the Gallery page, you will need to set up a few settings.

First, select the “Gallery Type” option from the drop-down menu. You will then need to choose the gallery type that you want to use. The available gallery types include:.

-Single Image Gallery: This gallery type allows you to display one image per gallery item.

-Thumbnails Gallery: This gallery type displays a row of thumbnails for each gallery item.

-Gallery with Thumbnail Slider: This gallery type displays a row of thumbnails and a slider next to each thumbnail. You can use this slider to change the image size for each gallery item.

-Gallery with Image Slider: This gallery type displays a row of images and a slider next to each image.

-Gallery with Custom Fields: This gallery type allows you to display a row of custom fields for each gallery item.

After you have selected the gallery type, you will need to set up the gallery settings. First, select the “Gallery Item Display” option from the drop-down menu.

You will then need to choose the display format for your gallery items. The available display formats include:.

-Single Image: This display format displays one image per gallery item.

-Thumbnails: This display format displays a row of thumbnails for each gallery item.

-Gallery with Thumbnail Slider: This display format displays a row of thumbnails and a slider next to each thumbnail.

-Gallery with Image Slider: This display format displays a row of images and a slider next to each image.

PRO TIP: This question is often asked by WordPress beginners who want to add a gallery to their website. However, adding a scrolling gallery is not recommended as it can decrease your website’s performance and may cause issues with your theme. If you want to add a gallery to your WordPress website, we recommend using a plugin like NextGEN Gallery or Envira Gallery.

-Gallery with Custom Fields: This display format displays a row of custom fields for each gallery item.

After you have set up the display format for your gallery items, you will need to set up the gallery order. The gallery order is determined by the “Gallery Item Order” option.

You can use the “Gallery Item Order” option to specify the order in which your gallery items will appear. The available gallery item order options include:.

-Alphabetical Order: This order displays your gallery items in an alphabetical order.

-Random Order: This order displays your gallery items in a random order.

-Post Date Order: This order displays your gallery items according to the post date.

-Date Modified Order: This order displays your gallery items according to the date the post was last modified.

-Custom Order: This order allows you to specify a custom order for your gallery items.

After you have set up the gallery order, you will need to set up the gallery width and height. The gallery width and height are determined by the “Gallery Width” and “Gallery Height” options.

You can use the “Gallery Width” and “Gallery Height” options to specify the width and height of your gallery, in pixels.

Finally, you will need to set up the “Gallery Thumbnail Size” option. You can use the “Gallery Thumbnail Size” option to specify the size of the thumbnail for each gallery item.

After you have set up the gallery settings, you will need to create a gallery item. To create a gallery item, click on the “Gallery” tab in the WordPress dashboard and then click on the “Add New Gallery Item” button.

You will then need to enter the name of the gallery item, the display format for the gallery item, and the gallery width and height.

After you have created the gallery item, you will need to add the gallery item to your blog posts and pages. To add the gallery item to a post, click on the “Gallery” tab in the WordPress dashboard and then click on the “Add New Gallery Item” button.

You will then need to enter the name of the post, the display format for the gallery item, and the gallery width and height.

To add the gallery item to a page, click on the “Gallery” tab in the WordPress dashboard and then click on the “Add New Gallery Item” button. You will then need to enter the name of the page, the display format for the gallery item.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.