Website Building » Wix » How Do I Create a Sub Menu in Wix?

How Do I Create a Sub Menu in Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:44 pm

There are a few different ways that you can go about creating a sub menu in Wix. One way is to use the Wix editor to create a new page, and then add a dropdown menu to that page. Another way is to use the Wix Code editor to create a new page, and then add a dropdown menu to that page.

To add a dropdown menu to a page in the Wix editor, first click on the “Add” button in the top left corner of the editor. Then, click on the “Menu” option in the Add dropdown.


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This will open the Menu settings panel. In the Menu settings panel, you will see an option to “Add Sub Menu”. Click on this option, and then enter the name of your sub menu in the field that appears.

PRO TIP: When creating a sub menu in Wix, be sure to first create a main menu item that will serve as the parent for the sub menu items. This can be done by selecting ‘Add Page’ from the ‘Pages’ menu. Once the new page has been added, select ‘Add Menu Item’ from the ‘Menus’ menu. In the ‘Add Menu Item’ dialog, select ‘Sub Menu Item’ from the ‘Item Type’ dropdown. Then, in the ‘Parent Menu Item’ dropdown, select the main menu item that you want to serve as the parent for the sub menu items.

To add a dropdown menu to a page in the Wix Code editor, first click on the “Add” button in the top left corner of the editor. This will open the Menu settings panel.

In the Menu settings panel, you will see an option to “Add Sub Menu”. You will also need to add a bit of code to your page to make sure that your sub menu appears when you hover over your main menu item.

Here is an example of code that you can use to create a sub menu:

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.