Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Create a Webhook in WooCommerce?

How Do I Create a Webhook in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 16, 2023 @ 2:04 pm

Webhooks were introduced in WooCommerce 2.2 and allow WooCommerce to send HTTP POST requests to a specified URL whenever certain events happen in your WooCommerce store. For example, you can configure WooCommerce to POST to a URL when a new order is created or when an order status is changed. Webhooks can be used to trigger events in external systems in real-time, such as:

  • Sending an order to a fulfillment center
  • Updating a customer record in a CRM
  • Adding a subscriber to a mailing list

To create a webhook:

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Webhooks.
  2. Click on the “Add webhook” button.
  3. Fill in the following fields:
    • Name: Enter an internal name for this webhook so you can easily identify it later on.
    • Status: This controls whether this particular webhook is active or not.
    • Delivery URL: This is the URL that your POST request will be sent to whenever one of the configured events happens.
    • Secret key: This key will be used to generate a hash signature which will be sent along with each request so you can verify that it came from WooCommerce.
    • API version: The API version that will be used for this request. Default: v3. If you are using an older version of WooCommerce, then you may need to select an older API version here so that your external system can handle the data format correctly.
    • Topic: The type of event that will trigger this particular webhook. Default: Order created.

Note: If you are not a developer, it is recommended that you do not attempt to create a webhook in WooCommerce. Webhooks are technical and require code in order to function properly. If you are not comfortable working with code, please reach out to a developer for assistance.

PRO TIP: If you are not a developer, we recommend that you do not attempt to create a webhook in WooCommerce. Webhooks are technical and require code in order to function properly. If you are not comfortable working with code, please reach out to a developer for assistance.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.