Website Building » WooCommerce » How do I create a WooCommerce cart page?

How do I create a WooCommerce cart page?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:07 pm

If you’re an ecommerce business owner, you know that creating a WooCommerce cart page is a must. A WooCommerce cart page is a page on your website where customers can place orders.

It’s a great way to gather customer information and track sales.

Creating a WooCommerce cart page is easy. First, you need to create a new page on your website.

Then, you need to add a WooCommerce checkout form. Finally, you need to add your products and prices.

Here’s how to create a WooCommerce cart page:

1. Go to your website’s admin area and click on Pages.

2. On the Pages page, click on the “Create New Page” link.

3. Enter a page name and click on the “Create Page” button.

4. On the newly created page, add a WooCommerce checkout form.

5. Add your products and prices.

You can also add photos, descriptions, and other information.

6. Click on the “Save Page” button to finish.

Now, you’re ready to start selling your products online! To learn more about creating a WooCommerce checkout form, read our article on how to create a WooCommerce checkout form.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with WooCommerce, we recommend that you consult with a professional before attempting to create a cart page. There are many complex settings and options involved in setting up a WooCommerce store, and a mistake on the cart page could potentially cause problems with the checkout process.


Creating a WooCommerce cart page is easy. All you need is a new page on your website, a WooCommerce checkout form, and your products and prices.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.