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How do I create an action in Photoshop CC?

Last updated on November 18, 2022 @ 1:40 pm

Creating an action in Photoshop CC is simple.

First, open the Action palette by clicking on theicon in the toolbar.

    Then, select theaction from the palette. Next, click on theicon in the toolbar to open the Action Options dialog box. In the Action Options dialog box, you will find the following options:

  1. Name: This field is where you will enter a name for your action.
  2. Description: This field is where you will enter a description of your action.
  3. Category: This field is where you will select the category of your action.
  4. Enable Action: This checkbox is where you will decide whether or not the action will be enabled.
  5. Start Action: This checkbox is where you will decide when the action will start.
  6. End Action: This checkbox is where you will decide when the action will end.
  7. Enable Preset: This checkbox is where you will enable the action’s preset.
  8. Enable Variables: This checkbox is where you will enable the action’s variables.
  9. Enable History: This checkbox is where you will enable the action’s history.
  10. Enable Preview: This checkbox is where you will enable the action’s preview.
  11. Enable Keyboard Shortcuts: This checkbox is where you will enable the action’s keyboard shortcuts.
  12. Enable Actions: This checkbox is where you will enable the action’s actions.
  13. Enable Presets: This checkbox is where you will enable the action’s presets.
  14. Disable All But Current: This checkbox is where you will disable all of the action’s options except for the current option.
  15. Enable Current: This checkbox is where you will enable the current option.
  16. Enable All: This checkbox is where you will enable all of the action’s options.
  17. Disable All: This checkbox is where you will disable all of the action’s options.
  18. Reset to Default: This button will reset all of the action’s options to their default values.
  19. Copy: This button will copy the action’s options to the clipboard.
  20. Cut: This button will cut the action’s options from the current document.
  21. Paste: This button will paste the action’s options from the clipboard into the current document.
  22. Clear: This button will clear the action’s options from the current document.
  23. Close: This button will close the Action palette.

Once you have created your action, you can use it in your Photoshop document. To use the action, first, select it from the Actions palette.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop CC, we recommend that you seek professional help before attempting to create an action. Actions can be complex and may require knowledge of Photoshop’s advanced features and tools. Creating an action without proper knowledge may result in unexpected results or errors.

    Next, click on thebutton in the toolbar to open the Action Options dialog box. In the Action Options dialog box, you will find the following options:

  1. Preview: This checkbox is where you will preview the action’s results.
  2. Keyboard Shortcuts: This list contains the action’s keyboard shortcuts.
  3. Actions: This list contains the action’s actions. Presets: This list contains the action’s presets.
  4. Variables: This list contains the action’s variables.
  5. History: This list contains the action’s history.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.