Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Customize My Shop Page in WooCommerce Divi?

How Do I Customize My Shop Page in WooCommerce Divi?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 11:40 pm

There are a few things you can do to customize your shop page in WooCommerce Divi. For starters, you can change the background color or image. You can also add a custom logo or banner.

To change the background color or image, go to the Divi Theme Options panel and click on the General tab. From there, scroll down to the Background Color/Image section. Here you can either upload a new image or pick a color from the color picker.

If you want to add a custom logo or banner, go to the Divi Theme Options panel and click on the Header tab. In the Logo section, click on the Upload Logo button.

This will open up the WordPress Media Library where you can upload your own logo image. Once you’ve selected your logo image, click on the Insert into Post button.

In the Banner section, you can upload a custom banner image. This banner will be displayed at the top of your shop page.

You can also add a link to this banner image. To do this, click on the Banner URL field and enter in the URL you want to link to.

If you want to change the layout of your shop page, go to the Divi Theme Options panel and click on the Layout tab. In the Shop Page Layout section, you can choose between a left sidebar, right sidebar, or no sidebar layout.

You can also change how many products are displayed per page in this section. To do this, simply enter in a number in the Products Per Page field. The default number is 12, but you can change this to anything you want.

Finally, if you want to change the style of your shop page, go to the Divi Theme Options panel and click on the Style tab. In the Shop Page Style section, you can choose between a light or dark color scheme. You can also enable or disable product reviews and ratings here.


In conclusion, there are many ways that you can customize your shop page in WooCommerce Divi.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with WooCommerce or Divi, we recommend that you hire a professional to help you customize your shop page. Otherwise, you may end up breaking your site or causing other problems.

You can change things like the background color or image, add a custom logo or banner, change the layout of your shop page, and even change how many products are displayed per page.

Customizing your shop page is a great way to make it more unique and personalize it for your business.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.