Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Customize My WooCommerce Product Pages?

How Do I Customize My WooCommerce Product Pages?

Last updated on January 14, 2023 @ 4:04 am

When it comes to creating a great online shopping experience, your product pages play a vital role. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to customize WooCommerce product pages to make sure they’re just right for your store.

There are a few key elements that you’ll want to consider when customizing your product pages. These include:

    • The layout of your page

You’ll want to think about how you want to arrange the different elements on your page.

For example, do you want to have a sidebar? Or would you prefer to keep things more focused on the main content area?

    • The design of your page

This includes things like choosing the right colors and fonts for your page. You’ll also want to make sure that your page looks good on all devices, from desktop computers to smartphones.

    • The functionality of your page

Make sure that all the features on your page are working correctly. This includes things like the add-to-cart button and the different options for shipping and payment.

Once you’ve considered all of these elements, you’re ready to start customizing your WooCommerce product pages. There are a few different ways to do this:

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with coding or web design, then we advise against trying to customize your WooCommerce product pages. This is because if you do not know what you are doing, then you could end up breaking your website or causing other problems.
    • Use a plugin

There are plenty of plugins available that will help you customize WooCommerce product pages. These plugins can help with everything from adding extra fields to changing the layout of the page.

    • Edit your theme files

If you’re comfortable working with code, then you can edit your theme files directly to customize WooCommerce product pages. Just remember to create a backup before making any changes.

    • Use a custom WooCommerce theme

If you don’t want to edit your existing theme files, then you can always opt for a custom WooCommerce theme.

These themes are designed specifically for online stores and come with all the features and options you need to create a great shopping experience.


There are plenty of ways to customize WooCommerce product pages. You can use a plugin, edit your theme files, or use a custom WooCommerce theme. Just make sure to consider all the elements of your page before making any changes.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.