Website Building » WooCommerce » How do I customize WooCommerce PDF invoices and packing slips?

How do I customize WooCommerce PDF invoices and packing slips?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:21 pm

Customizing WooCommerce PDF invoices and packing slips is a breeze. All you need is a few simple steps and a bit of creativity.

To begin, create a new PDF invoice or packing slip layout. You can use any templates or designs that you want, but keep in mind that you will need to adjust the margins, fonts, and other settings to fit your specific needs.

Once you have your layout created, you will need to add the necessary content. This will include the information regarding the product, customer, and shipping details.

To add text, insert a text box and type your desired text. To add images, click on the “File” tab and select the appropriate file from your computer.

Once you have added the images, you will need to resize and position them so that they look consistent with the rest of the document.

PRO TIP: If you are not a developer, then we recommend not trying to customize WooCommerce PDF invoices and packing slips. If you make a mistake, it could break your store.

To finish up, you will need to add the pricing information and any other necessary details. This includes the tax rates, shipping charges, and any other fees associated with the product.

Once you have finished customizing your document, you will need to save it as a PDF and then upload it to your WooCommerce store. You can do this by clicking on the “File” tab and selecting the “Upload PDF” button.

Finally, you will need to add the PDF to your products. To do this, locate the product on your store’s pages, and then click on the “Add a Product” button.

Next, select the “PDF” tab and select the appropriate file from your computer.

Now that you have completed the customizing process, you are ready to sell your products online! Be sure to share your tips and tricks on how to customize WooCommerce PDF invoices and packing slips in the comments section below.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.