Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Deep Fry an Image in Photoshop?

How Do I Deep Fry an Image in Photoshop?

Last updated on November 20, 2022 @ 1:38 pm

Have you ever wanted to deep fry an image in Photoshop? It’s actually pretty easy to do! Just follow these simple steps:

1. Start by opening the image you want to deep fry in Photoshop. Then, go to Filter > Distort > Wave.

2. In the Wave dialog box, set the Number of Waves to 10 and the Amplitude to 150%. Then click OK.

3. Next, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. In the Gaussian Blur dialog box, set the Radius to 10 pixels and click OK.

4. Now go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.

In the Brightness/Contrast dialog box, set the Brightness to 100% and the Contrast to 50%.

5. Finally, go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation.

In the Hue/Saturation dialog box, set the Hue to -180 and the Saturation to +100.

And that’s it! Your image is now deep fried!

Here’s a before and after look at my deep fried image:

PRO TIP: Please be aware that deep frying an image in Photoshop may result in loss of quality and/or damage to the image. We recommend only using this technique if you are familiar with Photoshop and have a backup of your original image.

As you can see, the image has been significantly changed by being deep fried in Photoshop! The colors are more saturated, the contrast is increased, and there is a overall “glow” to the image.

Deep frying an image in Photoshop is a great way to make your photos stand out!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.