Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Dispute UpWork?

How Do I Dispute UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:51 pm

UpWork is a great platform for freelancers to find work and get paid for their services. However, there are times when a client may dispute a milestone payment or leave a negative feedback. In such cases, it is important to know how to dispute the payment or feedback on UpWork.

If you are facing a dispute with a client on UpWork, the first step is to try and resolve the issue with the client directly. If you are unable to reach an agreement with the client, you can then raise a dispute with UpWork.

To raise a dispute on UpWork, go to the Resolution Center by clicking on the Disputes tab in your My Jobs page. From there, you will need to select the job that you are disputing and provide details about the dispute. Once you have submitted the dispute, UpWork will investigate and mediate between you and the client.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the dispute, you can then escalate the dispute to arbitration. Arbitration is a binding process where both parties agree to have their case decided by an arbitrator. UpWork will provide you with all the necessary information and forms that need to be filled out for arbitration.

How Do I Dispute on UpWork?

If you’re facing a dispute with a client on UpWork, follow these steps:

1) First, try resolving the issue with the client directly
2) If unable to reach an agreement, raise a dispute on UpWork
3) Go to the Resolution Center by clicking on the Disputes tab in your My Jobs page
4) Select the job that you’re disputing and provide details about the dispute
5) Once submitted, UpWork will investigate and mediate between you and the client
6) If not satisfied with outcome of dispute, escalate to arbitration
7) Arbitration is binding process where both parties agree to have their case decided by an arbitrator
8) UpWork will provide necessary information and forms that need to be filled out for arbitration

PRO TIP: If you are considering disputing a charge on your Upwork account, please be aware that this may result in your account being suspended or permanently closed. Please contact Upwork support directly to discuss your concerns before taking any action.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.