Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Do a Gradient Overlay in Photoshop?

How Do I Do a Gradient Overlay in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:45 pm

There are a few different ways that you can create a gradient overlay in Photoshop. One way is to use the Gradient Overlay tool, which can be found in the “Layer” menu. Another way is to use the “Fill” tool, which can be found in the “Edit” menu.

To use the Gradient Overlay tool, first select the layer that you want to apply the gradient to. Then, click on the “Gradient Overlay” tool in the “Layer” menu.

A new window will pop up with various options for your gradient. You can choose the type of gradient, the colors, the angle, and the opacity. Once you have chosen your settings, click “OK” to apply the gradient.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop, or do not have a strong understanding of how to use layer styles, we do not recommend attempting to use the Gradient Overlay feature. This can easily lead to unwanted results, and can be difficult to fix if you are not familiar with the software.

To use the “Fill” tool, first select the layer that you want to apply the gradient to. Then, click on the “Fill” tool in the “Edit” menu. A new window will pop up with various options for your fill.

Choose “Gradient” from the drop-down menu and then choose your settings. You can choose the type of gradient, the colors, and the angle.


There are a few different ways that you can create a gradient overlay in Photoshop. The Gradient Overlay tool and Fill tool are both great options that give you a lot of control over your gradient. Experiment with both methods to see which one works best for your needs.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.