Website Building » Joomla » How do I edit a Joomla module?

How do I edit a Joomla module?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:36 am

There are a few ways to edit a Joomla module:

1. Log in to the Joomla administration panel and navigate to the Modules tab.

2. Click on the module you want to edit and then click on the Edit link next to the title.

3. You will be taken to the module’s edit page.

Here you can make changes to the module’s title, description, images, and content.

4. Once you have made all the changes you want, click on the Save button to save the changes.

5. If you want to preview the changes before you save them, click on the Preview button.

6. If you have made any changes that you do not want to keep, click on the Delete link next to the title to remove them from the module.

7. When you are finished editing the module, click on the Save button to save the changes.

8. If you want to publish the changes so that other users can access them, click on the Publish button.

9. You will be taken to the Publish page, where you can choose whether to publish the changes to the live website or to the module’s internal database.

10. When you are finished publishing the changes, click on the Publish button to publish the changes.

11. If you want to revert the changes that you have made, click on the Revert button.

12. You will be taken to the Revert page, where you can choose whether to revert the changes to the live website or to the module’s internal database.

13. When you are finished reverting the changes, click on the Revert button to revert the changes.

14. If you want to preview the changes before you revert them, click on the Preview button.

15. Click on the Done button to finish editing the module.

16. Click on the Joomla! logo in the top-right corner of the page to return to the Joomla administration panel.

17. Click on the Home link in the top-left corner of the panel to return to the Joomla home page.

18. Congratulations! You have edited a Joomla module!.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Joomla or coding, do not attempt to edit a Joomla module. You could break your site or introduce security vulnerabilities. If you need to make a change, hire a professional or reach out to the module developer for support.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.