Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Edit Faces in Photoshop?

How Do I Edit Faces in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:28 pm

There are a few ways that you can edit faces in Photoshop. One way is to use the ‘Liquify’ filter.

This filter can be found under the ‘Filter’ menu, and then ‘Liquify’. You can use this filter to push and pull parts of the face to change the shape. This is a great way to make small changes to the face, such as narrowing the nose or widening the eyes.

Another way to edit faces in Photoshop is to use the ‘Face-Aware Liquify’ tool. This tool can be found under the ‘Edit’ menu, and then ‘Face-Aware Liquify’.

This tool is similar to the ‘Liquify’ filter, but it is specifically designed for faces. It is great for making larger changes to the face, such as moving the eyes closer together or changing the shape of the jawline.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop, or do not have a strong understanding of how to use the software, we do not recommend trying to edit faces in Photoshop. The software can be complicated to use, and unless you know what you are doing, you could end up causing more harm than good.

If you want to make more drastic changes to the face, such as changing the gender of the person, then you will need to use the ‘Transform’ tool. This tool can be found under the ‘Edit’ menu, and then ‘Transform’.

With this tool, you can change the size and shape of parts of the face. For example, you can make the nose smaller or make the chin pointier.

Once you have made all of your changes, you will need to save your work. To do this, go to the ‘File’ menu and then click on ‘Save As…’. In the window that pops up, choose where you want to save your file and then click on the ‘Save’ button.

Conclusion: Editing faces in Photoshop is a fairly simple process once you know which tools to use. The ‘Liquify’ filter is great for making small changes, while the ‘Face-Aware Liquify’ tool is better for making larger changes. If you want to make drastic changes, such as changing gender, then you will need to use
the ‘Transform’ tool.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.