Website Building » Joomla » How do I edit sitemap in Joomla?

How do I edit sitemap in Joomla?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:43 am

In order to edit your Joomla sitemap, you will first need to open the Joomla administrator panel and navigate to the ‘Sitemap’ tab. Here, you will be able to view and edit your current sitemap.

To add a new page or article to your sitemap, click the ‘Add New Page’ button located at the bottom of the screen. You will then be prompted to enter the URL of the new page or article.

Once you have entered the URL, Joomla will automatically generate the page’s title and meta data.

To remove a page or article from your sitemap, simply click on the ‘Remove Page’ button located at the bottom of the screen. You will then be prompted to enter the URL of the page or article that you want to remove.

Joomla will then automatically remove the page from your sitemap.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Joomla or sitemaps, we recommend that you seek help from a qualified developer before attempting to edit your sitemap. Incorrectly editing your sitemap can result in your website not being properly indexed by search engines, which can impact your website’s traffic and visibility.

If you wish to change the order of pages in your sitemap, simply click on the ‘Sort Pages’ button located at the top of the screen. Joomla will then automatically re-order the pages in your sitemap based on the new order.

Finally, if you want to add or remove any images from your sitemap, simply click on the ‘Add Images’ button located at the bottom of the screen. You will then be prompted to enter the URL of the image file that you want to add to your sitemap.

Joomla will then add the image to your sitemap.

Don’t forget to save your changes to your sitemap before closing the Joomla administrator panel.

Conversely, if you want to remove an image from your sitemap, simply click on the ‘Remove Images’ button located at the bottom of the screen. You will then be prompted to enter the URL of the image file that you want to remove from your sitemap.

Joomla will then remove the image from your sitemap.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.