Website Building » Shopify » How do I find my Shopify URL?

How do I find my Shopify URL?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:16 am

If you have installed and activated Shopify on your web server, it is likely that your Shopify URL is something like shop.myShopify.

com. However, if you have not activated Shopify yet, or if you have lost or changed your Shopify URL, you can find your Shopify URL by following these steps:.

1. Log in to your Shopify account.

2. Click the “Shop” button on the top right of the page.

3. In the “Shopify” section of the page, click the “Settings” button.

4. In the “Settings” page, under “URLs”, click the “Change URL” button.

5. In the “URL Change” page, enter your current Shopify URL into the “New URL” field and click the “Create” button.

6. Click the “Apply” button to save your changes and return to the “Shopify” section of the page.

7. Under the “Products” section of the page, click the “Shopify Products” tab.

8. Under the “Products” tab, click the “Shopify Products” column header to sort the Products by their Shopify URL.

9. The first Product in the list will have the same Shopify URL as your current website.

Click the Product’s name to view the product’s details and see the “URL” field.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for your Shopify URL, be aware that there are a few different types of URLs associated with your store. The most common type of URL is your URL, which is the URL you use to access your store’s admin panel. However, depending on your store’s settings, you may also have a primary domain (e.g. and/or secondary domains (e.g. associated with your shop.

10. If you have multiple products with the same Shopify URL, click the “Product” column header again to sort the Products by their “Name” field.

The first Product in the list will have the same “Name” as your current website. Click the Product’s name to view the product’s details and see the “URL” field.

11. Copy the “URL” field value and paste it into a web browser address bar.

If you’re using a desktop computer, open a new tab and enter the “URL” field value into the address bar. If you’re using a mobile device, open the “URL” field value in the web browser’s address bar.

12. If the website you’re visiting is the same as your current website, the website will open in your default web browser.

If the website you’re visiting is not the same as your current website, the website will open in a new web browser.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.