Web Design » Figma » How do I fix size in Figma?

How do I fix size in Figma?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 7:10 pm

Starting with Figma 0.9, we’ve made a lot of progress in our size handling.

There are still some quirks, but overall it’s much more reliable and consistent. In this article, we’ll go over the different ways you can adjust the size of your models in Figma.

1. Use the sizing tool

The sizing tool is located in the top left corner of the model window. It allows you to resize the model by dragging its edges.

2. Use the Auto-fit feature

If you want to resize a model uniformly, you can use the Auto-fit feature. This will resize the model based on its proportions.

3. Use the Resize tool

The Resize tool allows you to resize the model by dragging its corners.

4. Use the Scale tool

The Scale tool allows you to resize the model by dragging its edges or corners.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, adjusting the size in Figma can lead to distorted images. Make sure to keep an eye on the aspect ratio of your image when making changes.

5. Use the Transform tool

The Transform tool allows you to resize the model by entering a new size in the text field in the top right corner of the model window.

6. Use the Free Transform tool

The Free Transform tool is a special type of Transform tool that allows you to resize the model by dragging its corners and edges.

7. Use the Size slider

The Size slider allows you to resize the model by dragging its edges.

8. Use the Anchor Point tool

The Anchor Point tool allows you to resize the model by dragging its corners and edges.

9. Use the Pin tool

The Pin tool allows you to resize the model by dragging its corners and edges.

10. Use the Free Transform tool.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.