Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Freelancer Write on Fiverr?

How Do I Freelancer Write on Fiverr?

Last updated on January 27, 2023 @ 6:29 pm

There are a few simple steps to take when you want to start writing on Fiverr. The first step is to create an account and login.

Once you are logged in, you will want to take a look at the freelancer marketplace. Here you will find a list of all the different types of writing gigs that are available. You can also search for specific keywords to find writing gigs that fit your skills.

When you find a gig that you would like to apply for, simply click on the “Apply Now” button. This will bring you to the gig page where you can read more about the gig and the requirements. If you feel like you are a good fit for the gig, simply click on the “Send Proposal” button and write a short message to the buyer explaining why they should hire you.

Once your proposal has been sent, the buyer will have a chance to review it and decide if they would like to award you the gig. If they do, congrats! You can now start working on the gig and earning money.

So, there you have it! These are simple steps on how to start writing on Fiverr.

Just create an account, find a gig that interests you, and send in a proposal. With a little bit of effort, you can start earning money by doing what you love – writing!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.