Discounts are a great way to encourage customers to buy from your shop. You can offer discounts for a variety of reasons, including sales, holidays, and special promotions.
You can also offer discounts to specific groups of customers, such as first-time buyers or people who live in your city.
There are a few different ways to offer discounts in your Shopify store. You can use discount codes, which are codes that customers can enter at checkout to get a discount.
You can also set up automatic discounts, which are discounts that are applied automatically when customers meet certain criteria, such as spending a certain amount of money in your store.
Discount codes are a great way to offer flexible discounts that can be used by anyone. They’re also easy to set up and manage.
To create a discount code, go to the Discounts page in your Shopify admin and click Create Discount. Then, enter the details of your discount and click Save. Once you’ve created your discount code, you can share it with customers however you like, such as on your website or social media.
Automatic discounts are a great way to offer fixed discounts that don’t require any action from the customer. They’re perfect for offering discounts on specific products or collections, or for giving percentage-based discounts on orders over a certain amount. To create an automatic discount, go to the Discounts page in your Shopify admin and click Create Discount.
Then, select Automatic from the Discount type drop-down menu and enter the details of your discount. Finally, click Save. Your automatic discount will now be applied to eligible orders.
Discounts are a great way to encourage customers to buy from your shop. You can also offer discounts to specific groups of customers, such as first-time buyers or people who live in your city.
There are a few different ways to offer discounts in your Shopify store. You can also set up automatic discounts, which are discounts that are applied automatically when customers meet certain criteria, such as spending a certain amount of money in your store.
Discount codes are a great way to offer flexible discounts that can be used by anyone. To create a discount code, go to the Discounts page in your Shopify admin and click Create Discount.
Then, enter the details of your discount and click Save.
Automatic discounts are a great way to offer fixed discounts that don’t require any action from the customer. To create an automatic discount, go to the Discountspage in your Shopify admin and click Create Discount . Then , select Automatic from the Discount type drop – down menu and enter the details of your discount . Finally , click Save . Your automatic discount will now be applied to eligible orders .