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How Do I Get More Free Connects on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:43 pm

As a freelancer, one of the most important things you can do is get more free Connects on UpWork. With more Connects, you have more opportunities to bid on jobs and land new clients.

But how do you get more free Connects? Here are four tips:

1. Get a Top-Rated Profile
One of the best ways to get more free Connects is to have a Top-Rated profile on UpWork.

To become Top-Rated, simply complete lots of jobs successfully and maintain a high job success score. Once you become Top-Rated, you’ll automatically get two free Connects each week.

2. Refer Friends
You can also earn free Connects by referring friends to UpWork.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for ways to get more free connects on Upwork, be warned that this is against Upwork’s terms of service. Upwork specifically states that users are not allowed to ” solicit, purchase, or attempt to purchase Connects outside of the Upwork platform.” Doing so may result in your account being suspended or even banned from the site.

For each friend that you refer who completes at least one job, you’ll earn one free Connect. You can earn up to 10 free Connects per week through referrals.

3. Get Featured in the Job Feed
If you want to really jumpstart your freelancing career on UpWork, aim to get featured in the job feed.

When you’re featured in the job feed, your profile appears at the top of the list when potential clients search for freelancers with your skillset. To get featured, simply complete lots of jobs successfully and maintain a high job success score. Once you become one of the top freelancers in your field, you’ll be featured in the job feed automatically.

4. Complete Your Profile
Did you know that having a complete profile can actually help you get more free Connects?

It’s true! When your profile is 100% complete, UpWork gives you two free Connects as a reward. So if you haven’t already, take some time to update your profile and add all relevant information about your skillset and experience.

By following these four tips, you can easily get more free Connects on UpWork and land even more great clients!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.