Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Get Variation Attributes in WooCommerce?

How Do I Get Variation Attributes in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 11, 2023 @ 12:51 pm

WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform for WordPress. One of the great things about using WooCommerce is the amount of control and flexibility you have over the products you sell. This includes being able to add variation attributes to products.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add variation attributes to products in WooCommerce.

Step 1: Install and activate the WooCommerce plugin

The first step in adding variation attributes to products in WooCommerce is to install and activate the WooCommerce plugin. If you haven’t already done so, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the “Plugins” section. Click on the “Add New” button and search for “WooCommerce”. When you find the plugin, click on the “Install Now” button and then click on the “Activate” button.

Step 2: Create a new product

To add variation attributes to a product in WooCommerce, you’ll first need to create a new product or edit an existing product. To do this, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the “Products” section. Click on the “Add New” button to create a new product, or click on the “Edit” link for an existing product.

Step 3: Add variation attributes to your product

To add variation attributes to your product, go to the “Product Data” section in the product editor and select the “Variable product” option from the “Product Type” dropdown menu. This will reveal the “Variations” section where you can add your variation attributes.

To add a variation attribute, click on the “Add Attribute” button and enter the name of your attribute, such as “Size” or “Color”. Then, add the values for your attribute, such as “Small”, “Medium”, and “Large” for size, or “Red”, “Blue”, and “Green” for color.

Step 4: Style your variation attributes with HTML

To style your variation attributes with HTML, you’ll need to edit your theme files. To do this, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the “Appearance” section. Under “Theme Editor”, click on the “Theme Functions” file to open it.

To style your variation attributes, you’ll need to use HTML tags and CSS styles. For example, you can use the “span” tag to wrap your variation attributes in a container and apply a CSS class to them. You can then add your CSS styles to your theme’s stylesheet to customize the appearance of your variation attributes.


Adding variation attributes to products in WooCommerce is a simple process that can greatly improve the user experience for your customers. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily add variation attributes to your products and style them with HTML to suit your needs.

PRO TIP: If you are using WooCommerce to sell products that have variations (different sizes, colors, etc.), it is important to know how to manage those variations. The WooCommerce documentation has a great article on How Do I Get Variation Attributes in WooCommerce?. However, there are a few things to be aware of before following the instructions in that article:

1. Make sure you have a backup of your database before making any changes.

2. The instructions in the article assume that you are comfortable with editing code and working with WordPress databases. If you are not comfortable with either of those things, you should not attempt to follow the instructions in the article.

3. The instructions in the article will result in all of your products being deleted from your WooCommerce store. If you only want to delete certain products, be sure to edit the code accordingly.

4. Finally, after following the instructions in the article, be sure to test your WooCommerce store thoroughly to make sure everything is working as expected.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.